I just wanted to share a quick look at the new Carolingian range sculpted by M. Campagna which will soon be added to the catalog... I'm still in the process of finishing masters and molds for all the figures but these are the first packs which are now in production!
First of all, the mounted command:
The heavy infantry, also suitable as dismounted Scara or Caballari:
these figures are now available here:
Please note the code of this pack has changed, the correct code is CRL7!
Light spearmen:
these figures are now available here:
Please note the code of this pack has changed, the correct code is CRL8!
Basque or Gascon light infantry:
these figures are now available here:
Last but by no mean least, the Big Man himself:

this figure is now available here:
http://www.baueda.com/hostis_crl.html#CRL0The character pack will include two versions of the Big Carolus, one mounted and one on foot plus Imperial standard bearers, again mounted and or foot. It is mainly intended to add color and variation to command packs for large armies but will be perfect all for small scale skirmish actions...
This is the complete release outline plan for the range:
Carolingian Core troops (pose numbers between brackets, all packs are 4 mounted or 8 foot figures unless noted otherwise!)
PSL1 – Peasant levy (5)
CRL9 – Crossbowmen (2) + Staff slingers (2)
CRL10 – dismounted Swabian, Bavarian or Thuringian Caballari (4)
CRL0 – Charlemagne and retinue (4)
very interesting figures!